Dreaming of Spring and Summer Gardens.

We are deep in the winter doldrums in New England with temperatures dropping to minus 20 last night! Record cold temperatures, record snow falls in one month, cities and towns buried under snow with more snow on the way. All around me complaints can be heard about our harsh and miserable winter of 2015. Enough I say, I'm over this winter instead I am transporting myself to a beautiful spring by shipping a cup of tea while I look over last year's garden photo's to plan this year's additions to my already over flowing flower beds. I choose not to be miserable lamenting about record cold temperatures and snow falls: My beautiful garden photos are lifting me and my spirit to a different time when the air is sweet with new buds pushing past the just warming soil signalling the start of spring. Gardening is in my blood; I come from a long list of passionate green thumbs who can spend all day laboring in their gardens, a labor of love. My particular passion is flowers...