I love Christmas! Christmas Magic, feeling filled with love and joy, spending time with family and friends, decorating, baking and cooking; and living in New England snow! Each year I promise that I will not go overboard - curtain my decorating frenzy - embrace a minimalistic style - each year I break my promise! I can't help myself as I begin opening my stored Christmas decorations- how can I not use all my beautiful treasures lovingly collected over the years. And so it begins...... My tradition the day after Thanksgiving is not to rise early for Black Friday,(nothing wrong with a day of retail therapy) I start my day watching the sun rise and decorating for Christmas. I begin in my dinning room with unpacking my Lenox Holiday china - gifts from my children - washing each piece I remember the Christmases when they were small their eyes filled with anticipation as I opened my special gift - then I remove all my regular china replacing wi...