Garden, Garden, Garden and more Garden

Yes I know that I sound obsessed with my garden, but I am so happy when I am working on producing more and more beautiful gardens. Saturday I wasn't torn about my plan of action. After a fun Girls Night out at Pandora's in Legacy place and martinis with fun names like French Manicure at Aquitaine, I still managed to get up early. But no Hot Power Yoga for me (sorry Masaaki I do love your class), out to hot power gardening.
I needed to separate day lilies that were not producing many blooms because they had multiplied too much. These lilies had grown so thick in a few years because they had been planted in top soil that we had trucked in to our garden. I should wait until the fall but with the cool rainy weather that was projected for this weekend, I think that it will be fine. And I will make sure that I keep them watered until the roots take hold. Separating perennials is best done in the fall before it gets too cold but sometimes you just have to break the rules.(Don't tell Martha!)
I spent the rest of the morning dead heading the rest of my peonies and roses. I love roses, old fashion roses and a few years ago I purchased David Austin old fashion roses and I just have had wonderful results from these roses. If it ever stops raining I will be able to take some pictures and cut blooms to bring in the house. Unfortunately the rainy weather we have now rots the blooms before they open which is just terrible.
After all this rain not only are some blooms rotting but the mosquitoes are multiplying expeditiously. And they are vicious! My whole life I have been food for mosquitoes. I just have to walk out of my house and they find me. I've used repellent but I literally have to spray my whole body before I put my clothes on because they bite me through my clothes. And I don't care for the smell of the repellent. This year I tried Off Clip-on Mosquito Repellent. And I was skeptical that this would keep the mosquitoes away but it really did work and no smell.Off! Clip On Mosquito Protection Starter Kit 1 kit
Plants thrive just like other living things form love and attention. The more you shower on them the better grow. This is a big reason why my plants and gardens do so well is that I take excellent care of my plants, fertilizing, water, dead heading, separating and I just shower them with love and attention. And they flourish just like people. That's my secret to a beautiful lush garden. It's that simple and easy!


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