Busy with the pefect wedding!

I haven't posted in two weeks and I have a wonderful explanation, I was so busy with my son's wedding and I didn't really have that much to do. I don't know how the bride keep everything all together but she did a wonderful job. The wedding was picture perfect!! We just sailed through everything and the weather the day of the wedding was the best day of the year. We were able to go over to the public gardens and take beautiful pictures.
I did have company at my house and I did a little entertaining. A wonderful causal dinner on our deck that everyone enjoyed on the Thursday night before the wedding.
Now I am back on track and I have many wonderful ideas to share with you about cooking, gardening and just enjoying life. I did get some recipes from my Mother but I will have to cook them myself, working with my mother to get all the correct measurements and steps but I will be able to duplicate her dishes.
As sad as I am that the summer is slowly coming to an end, I am happy with all the fresh local produce at the farm markets. In my town we have a wonderful farm market where we can get the freshest produce, which makes cooking so easy. What could be better than grilling an assortment of peppers, zucchini, eggplant or what's at the market, adding corn on the cob, grilled fish or meat, tossed salad and bread. You have a wonderful , easy, quick delicious meal. I find what really adds to grilled food is wonderful seasonings.  I am partial to Penseys spices and rubs. I just love their spice blends. I am fortunate to have a store close by but you can order on line. Try all the different spice blends.  My favorite has to be Tuscan Sunset with Mural of Flavor coming in second.
I'll leave you with a recipe for Pesto Sauce. You can grow your own basil so easily in the garden or in a pot.

Fresh Pesto Sauce

 3 cups loosely packed fresh Basil leaves
1/cup fresh parsley
3 large cloves of garlic
1/2 cup of pine nuts
1 cup of freshly grated Parmesan or Asiago cheese
1 teaspoon of fresh oregano (an easy to grow perennial herb but it will quickly take over any area. So I planted mine in a plastic pot and planted the pot in the grown. You can use a terracotta pot but it tends to break up after a few harsh winters)
1/2 teaspoon pepper
2/3 cups fruity olive oil
salt to taste
Combine all ingredients in a food processor or blender to form a thick smooth sauce.
You can serve over pasta or over cooked potatoes for a pesto potato salad. Or put just a little dollop on grilled fish or chicken.  Just use your imagination.
I like to freeze the pesto sauce in small containers to use later. You can just defrost and use. No cooking or heating needed.



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