Shout out to Better Homes and Gardens Ultimate Italian Special Publication

I am a sucker for cookbooks and cooking magazines. I know why these magazines are just staring right up at me why I am waiting to pay for my order at the grocery story. I just can't resist the promise of wonderful new recipes, culinary delights just a few pages away. Racing home I can't wait to open the magazine to gaze on totally new and delicious delights.  Anticipation is high as I start to read through the magazine or cookbook and then more times than not, disappointment, same old retooled recipe or worst, like most long time cooks I can eye ball a looser recipe.  Well two weeks ago I brought home Better Homes and Garden Ultimate Italian Special Publication, yes, yes, yes, I was so excited to find wonderful delicious dishes, I could tell just by looking. Most of the  recipes are easy and quick to make with simple and ready available ingredients. I've made two of the pasta dishes this week and we really enjoyed both. And I'm not just talking good pasta recipes, but  also drinks, pizza, appetizers, soups, desserts and more. I highly recommend this magazine, well worth the $9.99 cost. Funny too, I was speaking to my mother, one of the best Italian cooks I know, and she just happened to buy the same magazine at the grocery store and she agreed with my assessment.
I am so looking forward to more great meals from this cooking magazine.



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