I make this pasta dish from a recipe in the current, March 2011, Bon Appetit issue. Very rich in taste with the addition of heavy cream, but I think not all calories are the same. You feel more satisfied from delicious calories then junk calories. So skip processed and junk food in favor of a wonderful meal. And remember portion control is always an option to cutting calories. www.bonappetit.com Enjoy
Alright I said that I wasn't going to blog about shopping on Good Dinner Mrs Mellen, I lied. I can't help myself! If you know me, you know that I love to shop and shop and shop and shop. I just love clothes, home furnishing, cosmetic, you name it I'm there. Well I just had to share my most recent shopping finds. I believe in when the President says that we need to stimulate the economy so I spread my purchased around to all types of retailers. High end, discount, I do not discriminate. If I like it I buy it. I get such a rush when I find a bargain or exceptional deal, I just get so warm and fuzzy. Last week I was up in the White Mountain region of New Hampshire. A beautiful natural resource that just takes my breath away. So in between the beautiful mountains, forest, lakes etc what should appear a few years ago but a T.J. Maxx in, of all places, Littleton New Hampshire. Now Littleton is a lovely small town that has actually m...
The idea for a blog called "Good Dinner Mrs Mellen" came from my family. My family was always complementing me on my cooking, not only the food but my presentation. So after enjoying the dinner that I prepared, they would always tease me and say "Good Dinner Mrs Mellen " And it stuck. When I told them I wanted to do a blog and asked what I should call my blog, there was only one suggestion. I love to cook and entertain. I am passionate about all that I love, family, friends and my home. I love not only to cook but to garden, decorate and make my surroundings beautiful. Some might say that I am at times over the top, (especially by New England standard) but I accepted a long time ago that this is who I am and what makes me happy. Oh, and to all my friends that are reading this and think I'm going to blog about clothes, this is not about my love of clothes and fashion. (that would take a whole new long blog to cover that topic. I do love clothes and fashion!!!...