Simply the Best Perfect Popovers Everytime!

I first tasted Popovers a long time ago at the famous Boston restaurant, Pier 4. The waitresses would come to your table offering you mouth watering, freshly baked Popovers. It was wonderful.
I became a lover of Popovers right after my first bite. Think crusty on the outside, with a hot soft doughy center. And so delicious, with just a little butter that melts immediately on the hot Popover.
Over the years I have seen the Popover taken to new culinary delights by stuffing them with seasoned scrambled eggs, or using them in entrée recipes. But I am a purest when it comes to Popovers; I just love them plain, with butter.
I've made this recipe forever and it has never failed me. It is easily doubled and is perfect every time. One thing about baking Popovers; you need to use a special Popover Pan. Originally all the pans were heavy cast iron, but now there are wonderfully light, easy to clean pans that make perfect popovers ever time! I like the William-Sonoma non stick pan found HERE ONLINE.

3 eggs
1 cup milk
3 tablespoon salad oil
1 cup sifted all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt

Heat over to 400F Lightly grease popover pan. In a medium bowl, with a electric mixer, eggs, milk and oil until well combined.  Sift flour with salt over egg mixture, beat until smooth. Pour batter into prepared pans, filling half full. Bake 45 to 50 minutes, or until deep golden brown.

Serve hot.
Makes 6.



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